Moments of Praise Online Radio running 24 hours 7 days a week

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Every Monday and Thursday at 7:30pm.

Daily Bible Verse

 God Bless You!

 My wife and I want to welcome you to Moments of Praise Ministry Christian Webcast. You may be asking yourself why Moments of Praise?  Well, the Bible says in Psalm 150:6 “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Hallelujah!” That is why we are praising the Lord every Monday and Thursday at 7:30pm. Playing Spanish and English Christian music and also talking about the word of God. You know what? God is good all the time and all the time God is good. So don’t forget, let everything that has breath Praise the Lord.

Daniel & Margarita Lugo


A Poem for Moments of Praise
By: Daniel Arceus Jr.

From simple Moments of praise I stop just to glorify your name.

I sit under the morning sun basking in the glory of your love just to realize that all my life all I needed was you.

I open my heart to just the thought of knowing of your love and I realize that you're all I need.

My Moment of Praise came when I felt tears streaming down my face, Through my greatest trials my Moment of Praise gave me reason to smile.

If I stop to look back I would realize that even my trials give me reason to stop and thank you.

Jesus it is your glory that has lighted my path and now I realize why I give glory to your name. If my Moment of Praise were enough, I could just give up now.

My Moments of Praise go hand in hand with my faith, Directing my path to Heavens gates. My Moments of Praise bring me closer to you Lord, Because this is where I desire to be.


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